Gwailchon Juice gift set
LG healthcare

과일촌 아침에 주스 선물 세트 디자인 과일촌의 브랜드 네이밍과 다양한 플레이버를 모티브로 농장을 연상시키는 이국적인 레트로 컨셉으로 디자인하였습니다. Design of Juice Gift Set by Gwailchon. Inspired by Gwailchon's brand naming and a variety of flavors, we have crafted a design with an exotic retro concept that evokes the imagery of a farm.
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- Executive director Sukyoo Bae
- Project Manager Yunje Park
- Designer Boyeon Yeon, Jinju Kim, Chaelin Kim, Jahee Lee, Minji Kang
- Photography Sungwoong Yoon