Skog brand design

The café Skog, meaning "forest" in Norwegian, is perfectly situated in the heart of Namhansan, offering a space where visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding forest through its open windows. OhSeven captured the geographic and spatial essence of Skog to build a brand story that highlights it as “a space where one can best experience the beauty of Namhansan, from morning to night, spring to winter, and in every direction—north, south, east, and west.” The project included developing the logo, slogan, icons, and overall brand design.
- market research
- brand concept
- brand story
- brand values
- brand identity
- logo
- package
- graphic

노르웨이어로 숲을 의미하는 카페 Skog는 이름에 어울리는 남한산 한가운데 자리하고 있으며 사방에 뚫린 창으로 남한산의 숲을 감상할 수 있는 공간입니다. Skog는 “아침부터 밤까지, 봄부터 겨울까지, 동서남북 남한산의 아름다운 면면을 가장 잘 볼 수 있는 공간”으로 자연스럽게 변화하는 시간의 흐름을 느낄 수 있습니다.
The café Skog, meaning "forest" in Norwegian, is perfectly located in the heart of Namhansan, offering a space where visitors can enjoy stunning views of the surrounding forest through its open windows. Skog is a place where one can experience the natural flow of time, as it transforms beautifully “from morning to night, spring to winter, and in every direction—north, south, east, and west—showcasing the many faces of Namhansan.”

Skog에서의 경험은 단순한 휴식을 넘어, 도시 속 숨겨진 자연과의 교감, 시간 속에서 빛나는 순간들을 통해 영감을 얻고, 삶의 다양한 가능성을 탐색하는 여정입니다. 이 여정을 컨셉으로 로고 디자인을 진행하였고, 여정의 상징으로 나침반의 형태를 모티브로 로고를 개발하였습니다. 심볼 또한 여정속 방향의 길잡이가 되어줄 Skog의 동북쪽 창가를 가리키는 형상으로 개발하여 로고의 나침반과 궤를 같이 합니다.
The experience at Skog goes beyond simple relaxation. It’s about connecting with hidden nature in the city, gaining inspiration from the moments that shine through time, and exploring the various possibilities of life. With this journey as the concept, we designed the logo, developing it with the motif of a compass as a symbol of the journey. The symbol also points to the northeastern window of Skog, serving as a guide on this journey and aligning with the compass of the logo.

스코그는 빠르게 움직이는 현대 사회에 익숙해진 모두에게 작은 쉼표같은 시간을 제공하기 위해 드린 우편 서비스를 운영합니다. 자연스러운 시간의 흐름 속 스코그에서 바라보고 느낀 마음을 전달해보세요.
Skog offers a postal service designed to provide a small moment of pause for everyone accustomed to the fast pace of modern life. Share the feelings and views you’ve experienced at Skog, embracing the natural flow of time.

- Executive director Sukyoo Bae
- Project Manager Yunje Park
- Lead Designer Boyeon Yeon, Song-yi Gu
- Designer Jinju Kim, Jahee Lee, Chaelin Kim, Gyeonghoe Heo
- Photography Sungwoong Yoon
- 3D/ Motion Designer Chaeyeon Kim
- Photography Beezy Studio
- Space Design Refynd Studio
- Architecture Simplex Acritecture